In this musical documentary, three generations of women reveal the mesmerizing power of this culturally unique heritage, rooted in ritual, embodying folklore and myth, and intergenerational memory. This musical documentary explores the non-tempered autochthonous traditional singing from Serbia, that was created and passed down through generations by women. Although authentic traditional music has become publicly invisible, a younger generation of researchers and performers is bringing it back to life.
This project is a part of Marija's graduate thesis (MA, Media Studies, The New School, 2014) and unites her passion for post-modern history documentary with the love for intrinsic cultural heritage from my homeland. The film inspired the formation of ROSA Vocal Group in New York, in 2014. The group nurtures and further explores the traditional, non-tempered singing from Serbia in a contemporary rendering.
Title. Girl who opposed the Sun
Genre. Documentary musical short
Year. 2014 (SRB, USA)
Duration. 21'
Director/Producer. Marija Stojnic
Director of Photography. Djordje Arambasic
Editor. Kristina Pozenel
Field producer. Marija Stojanovic
With the support of. Vision Team, Living Pictures